Freestyle Friday: The Jar of Awesome

Have you heard about The Jar of Awesome? Entrepreneur and author Tim Ferriss credits his ex-girlfriend for showing him the way to celebrate even small wins.

Instead of a jar full of slips of paper listing tasks waiting to be done (why would you even go there?), this jar is a vessel for holding reminders of awesome things.

Any time you want to, you can open up that jar and read about things you did, lovely things other people have done that you decided deserved a place in The Awesome Jar.

“It’s like a self-made fortune cookie of goodness,” Ferriss says.

I wanted one!

My jar is a little metal lunch kit that a friend gave me, and the slips of paper (so far) are postcards I picked up at the turn of the century at a writers’ conference on Prince Edward Island. The postcards themselves are beautiful, they remind me of a fantastic trip, and then I write that day’s or that week’s wonderful thing on one for a triple whammy of awesome.

I want to say, though, that it’s the reminders that are important, not the container or the kind of paper. When my wonderful PEI postcards run out, I’ll tear strips off my ubiquitous blue-lined looseleaf paper. The important thing is that awesome things happen All The Time, and I want to remind myself of them.

So far in 2018, I’ve added at least one Awesome Thing each week. This weekend I’m going to a couple of events with great people so I expect I’ll be adding more than one.

Isn’t that awesome?!

Wishing you a fabulous Friday and an awesome weekend too,
