News! Introducing the Companions

We Corsettes spend a lot of time in Corsair’s Cove because we love it–the historic buildings, rugged coastline, community market, fantastic chocolates…but mostly we love the people and the stories they share with us.

So when we had the chance to meet more folks and hear their tales, well, we couldn’t resist!

On June 18, the first Corsair’s Cove Companion, my short story Good Spirits, will go out into the world to do what Cove stories do: enchant readers. Shelley, Sharon, Lee and I hope you’ll be one of them!

You can buy your copy here:

I hope you love Hulda as much as I do!


Freestyle Friday: in the library

Is there any place more exciting than a library? For me, they have always been like Smaug’s cave: full of treasure. But not so dangerous.

And now I can add to the reasons I love my local library system: its Emerging Local Authors program!

This year there are again more than 100 local authors whose works are available for anyone and everyone in Greater Victoria to read…and isn’t that amazing?

My friend Margaret Gracie’s novel in linked short stories is there. Check out Plastic for a thought-provoking, wonderful read.

I ran into Bonnie Hardy at the launch, too. She and her husband Norm Hardy put together a non-fiction book to help people caring for aging friends or family.

Marjorie Lindsay’s The Last Singer is there, and so is Glenn Lindsay’s The Shoebox Mystery.

And of course I was thrilled to see Corsair’s Cove Chocolate Shop The Complete Series there, and Kiss in the Wind is available as an e-book. Thrilled.

Can you tell?

Wishing you a happy and story-filled weekend,


Freestyle Friday: books!

In case you haven’t seen my excited posts all over social media, I have a fun surprise that I’d like to share with you.

The Corsettes and I have teamed up with 25+ fantastic authors to give away a huge collection of sweet contemporary romances to 2 lucky winners, PLUS a brand new eReader to the Grand Prize winner!

Oh, and did I mention you’ll receive a collection of FREE ebooks just for entering? ;D

You can win Corsair’s Cove Chocolate Shop: The Complete Set, plus books from authors like Barbara Cool Lee and Andrea Bolter.

Enter the giveaway by clicking here:

Good luck and enjoy!



Book prize!

Have you seen this awesome giveaway from BookSweeps? You can win Corsair’s Cove Chocolate Shop: The Complete Set, plus books from authors like Barbara Cool Lee and Andrea Bolter, and a brand new eReader – PLUS you get FREE ebooks just for entering. This giveaway ends soon, so make sure you hurry and enter!

Join the fun here!

When you’re done, tell me which books you’re most excited to win!

Good luck and happy reading,


Freestyle Friday: The Jar of Awesome

Have you heard about The Jar of Awesome? Entrepreneur and author Tim Ferriss credits his ex-girlfriend for showing him the way to celebrate even small wins.

Instead of a jar full of slips of paper listing tasks waiting to be done (why would you even go there?), this jar is a vessel for holding reminders of awesome things.

Any time you want to, you can open up that jar and read about things you did, lovely things other people have done that you decided deserved a place in The Awesome Jar.

“It’s like a self-made fortune cookie of goodness,” Ferriss says.

I wanted one!

My jar is a little metal lunch kit that a friend gave me, and the slips of paper (so far) are postcards I picked up at the turn of the century at a writers’ conference on Prince Edward Island. The postcards themselves are beautiful, they remind me of a fantastic trip, and then I write that day’s or that week’s wonderful thing on one for a triple whammy of awesome.

I want to say, though, that it’s the reminders that are important, not the container or the kind of paper. When my wonderful PEI postcards run out, I’ll tear strips off my ubiquitous blue-lined looseleaf paper. The important thing is that awesome things happen All The Time, and I want to remind myself of them.

So far in 2018, I’ve added at least one Awesome Thing each week. This weekend I’m going to a couple of events with great people so I expect I’ll be adding more than one.

Isn’t that awesome?!

Wishing you a fabulous Friday and an awesome weekend too,


Shopping days before Christmas: you only need one

Before you head for the mall to start your holiday shopping, the Corsettes have a present for you!

All four books in the Corsair’s Cove Chocolate Shop series are now available in one print volume! Plus the Christmas short story Kiss at the Altar is in there too!

It makes a great gift for any reader friends who love chocolate, or romance, or ghosts, or the Pacific Northwest, or pirates, or even parrots!

And it makes a great gift for you, which you can read in the time you save by not having to go to the mall.

You deserve it.

Happy shopping,


Freestyle Friday: you never know what’ll show up!

Today, November 10, is World Science Day for Peace and Development to highlight the significant role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. It also underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives.

There’s more about this interesting initiative on the UN’s website.

And here’s a TED talk by Janine Benyus, on biomimicry and how scientists (and all of us) can learn from Mother Nature. As Ms. Benyus puts it, we live on a competent planet that does a zillion things extremely well; we can learn from that.

Wishing you a fascinating Friday,


A wedding at the Cove!

The latest story in the Corsair’s Cove Chocolate Shop series is out, and ready for your weekend reading! Or your bus commute! Or lunch break!
It’s a short story – or what passes for “short” in Corsette world, which means it’ll give you at least a couple of hours of reading pleasure.

Here’s the sweet scoop:
A wedding at the Cove! But not only is Granny Pearl’s antique Art Deco ring missing, so is the bride! Is it ghostly mischief, or is Prudence going to get cold feet this Christmas Eve and leave another groom standing at the altar?
Or will she remember in time that the sweetest life is the one you make together?

It’s available on

I hope you love it as much as I do,

“Love is a sweet adventure—especially in Corsair’s Cove!” —Bella Andre (aka Lucy Kevin), New York Times bestselling author of The Sullivans

Booksweeps and a chance to win Corsair’s Cove!

Corsair’s Cove is definitely a small town, and it’s contemporary – although some of the residents are from another century…

But for sure it’s full of romance!

My fellow authors the Corsettes and I have teamed up with 45+ fantastic authors to give away a huge collection of Sweet & Mild Small Town Contemporary Romances to 2 lucky winners, PLUS a brand new eReader to the Grand Prize winner!
You can win Corsair’s Cove Chocolate Shop: The Complete Set, plus books from authors like Shoshanna Gabriel and Kendall Ryan.
Enter the giveaway by clicking here:
Good luck, and enjoy!