Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so in honour of Bonney the parrot, I made cookies. Chocolate, of course. Not too sweet.

Here’s hoping there’s chocolate in your future, too!
Friends, family, fiction, fun – in any order, every day
Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so in honour of Bonney the parrot, I made cookies. Chocolate, of course. Not too sweet.
Here’s hoping there’s chocolate in your future, too!
It’s a glorious Saturday here in the Garden City – warm, sunny, and full of that back-to-school excitement that energizes a town with students of all ages. And even though our flowerbeds are starting to get tired after blossoming for so many months now, a few fall blossoms are popping up purple-ly.
Wishing you an equally happy heliotrope Sunday,
When I was writing Kiss in the Wind, I figured I had an excuse a responsibility to research it properly. Obviously, that meant making and eating chocolate things.
Because my family has a 20-year history of food allergies and sensitivities, I learned a long time ago how to adapt recipes to exclude dairy. Then eggs. Nuts, of course. Then gluten.
Now, I’m not claiming that I’m a good cook; but I’m a flexible cook.
In the back of Kiss in the Wind is Granny Coral’s recipe for no-bake coconut-oatmeal chocolate cookies, made gluten-free and vegan. (Warning: this doesn’t mean they’re healthier than other cookies because, y’know, they’re still full of chocolate and sugar.)
Another of my favourite recipes is for spicy chocolate-coffee cookies.
I don’t remember whether it inspired a scene in the book or the other way around, but I adapted it as well. I use gluten-free flour plus a little xanthan gum instead of wheat flour, coconut oil instead of butter, and voilà! Fab freestyle treats!
I even had to go a little rogue with the kitchen implements. When I couldn’t find my rolling pin, I resorted to using an empty bottle of Mack’s (really McClelland’s) whiskey. A full bottle would work too, apparently.